Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Scavvy Attack - quick update

After some quick rule writing, we've started playtesting with 2 of my usual opponents (1 playing 2 factions) and the first thing we've realized is that playing against "other civilians" wasn't really fun... Hence, we've modified the fluff to bring the game back where it came from and for our "enemies" to be zombies.

There are a lot of issues with the current rules. There are aspects of the game which I had overlooked and which will require heavy rule devising and some that I had thought would be easier than they actually are (It is quite hard to find a "simple" system to resolve the impact of a given expedition upon a factions' influence, for example.)

But I'm working on it.

I won't post much more about this project as long as it is still in WiP state, simply because it actually requires a whole new set of rules instead of a simple adaptation of existing ones (Necromunda) like I originally thought. But be sure that "one day", you'll get the finished product posted on this blog as a pretty pdf.