Friday, June 19, 2009

Looking for feedback...

Hi guys,

First, I want to apologize for the lack of new content recently but my spare time being reduced to its bare minimum, I'd rather use it actually playing or having a "social" life than posting on my blog...
I hope I'll get more spare time soon... I've got a few things I'd like to share, but which I need to actually write down first...

Now, when I created this blog, my intention was to share what I came up with for my gaming group. But one of my hopes was to get as much feedback from other players as possible about the rules/scenarii that we use with my group to see what others thought about them, if they had any problems with them while playing, etc...
I didn't get that feedback (yet)...

So here's today's question: have you tested any of the rules/scenarii presented here so far and, if you did, what was your experience with them? Any problem? Any part of the rules that wasn't clear enough?


Space Hulk Enthusiast said...

Feedback can be tough to get.
I know that a lot of time, readers come to my site looking for stuff they can use immediately... if a readers has to work, they are not as likely to get involved.

Nash said...

True... And believe me I know that... Yet I'd really appreciate if those who've used (some of) my creations could simply let me know about their experience...

It'd clearly help me be more motivated into posting more stuff too... ;) It's a tad easier when you don't feel like there's no one on the other end.

Space Hulk Enthusiast said...

It can be hard working without feedback. The 5ed close combat chart I have has been downloaded almost 1500 times now and I think I can count on one hand the number of comments or feedback I've gotten from people online.

Now, with players at my local store... the story is different. Lots of feedback since I left a few copies there one time for everyone to use.

Try your stuff out on the players at your local store. Find a few willing guys, agree to buy them lunch and then subject them to all the crazy rules and ideas you have.

Then you take all that, collect it and post it on your blog.

73rd said...

Hi Nash,

I've arrived several years too late, but your blog's been a great help with several of my projects, so thank you.
